Marché Place de la Cité à RodezMarché Place de la Cité à Rodez
©Marché Place de la Cité à Rodez|D.VIET - CRT Occitanie
Wander aroundthe Rodez market stalls.

Experience Rodez market

Do you want to get closer to the people of Rodez? Chat with the traders? Taste fresh local produce? Head to Rodez market!

Saturday mornings.

When you walk around, you quickly understand that something special is happening in Rodez city centre. Some roads are diverted, everyone is walking in the same direction, you can hear the sound of shopping trolleys clattering over the cobbles…

Quality products

We follow the crowd and first arrive at Place du Bourg. There are several stalls occupying the square. From raw produce to street food, the stalls are doing a roaring trade! Customers patiently wait their turn, talking with their neighbours. Conversations are exchanged, in French, in Occitan. There is a friendly atmosphere everywhere.

As we weave our way through the shopping streets, we continue towards the Place de la Cité. This is the domain of fruit and vegetables. There is a mind-blowing choice between traders and produce.

The products are all beautiful, of the highest quality! Our shopping basket is starting to feel heavy.

We finish by walking along the cathedral and its itinerant stalls. Local specialties are still present: gâteau à la broche (cake cooked on a spit), flaune, aligot … For those who wish to cook their own meals, butchers are also present with their refrigerated trucks.

Really, in this market (food only), you can find everything. No need to stop at the local supermarket to complete your shopping.

Before going home, we take time out on a pavement café. We people-watch: families, people of all ages, traders, who mingle and bring the market to life every week, all year round. We are moved by these strong moments of sharing.


Practical information.

Market place and times

Place de l’Étoile – 12450 Luc-la-Primaube
Sundays 8 a.m. – 12 noon

Market place and times

  • On the Espace Georges Bru car park, rue des Peyrières – 12510 Olemps
  • Thursdays 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. (except in August)

Market place and times

  • Wednesday and Saturday mornings, Place du Bourg – 12000 Rodez
  • Friday afternoons, Place du Sacré Coeur – 12000 Rodez
  • Saturday mornings, Place du Bourg, Place Emma Calvé and Place de la Cité – 12000 Rodez

Rodez city centre hosts the fair from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.:

  • the last Friday in June
  • the first Friday in December

Here and there, street vendors offer all kinds of products.

In the summer, you will have the opportunity to taste local delicacies at the market or find local produce to share with your loved ones, in a great friendly atmosphere.

The dates are given in the summer programme.
