Hall d'entrée du musée Soulages en acier Corten vu de côté avec le clocher de la cathédrale de Rodez en arrière-plan entre les arbresVue sur le clocher de la cathédrale de Rodez depuis le musée Soulages
©Vue sur le clocher de la cathédrale de Rodez depuis le musée Soulages|P.THEBAULT - CRT Occitanie
UncoverUnique architecture.

The Soulages museum architecture

Respectful of the landscape, the Soulages museum building, created by RCR Arquitectes, is organised in a succession of boxes and volumes.

Vue du musée Soulages avec la cathédrale de Rodez en fondVue du musée Soulages avec la cathédrale de Rodez en fond
©Vue du musée Soulages avec la cathédrale de Rodez en fond|P.THEBAULT - CRT Occitanie

The RCR Arquitectes project for the Soulages Museum


The Soulages Museum was designed by RCR Arquitectes (R. Aranda, C. Pigem, R. Vilalta/G. Trégouet) in collaboration with Passelac & Roques (associate architects), MAW, P. Maffre (scenography architect), Artec 3, M. Ginés (lighting design), Y. Lodey (site supervisor architect).

RCR Arquitectes joined forces with the Passelac & Roques architecture firm in 2008 to bid for the chance to design and build the Soulages Museum for the Greater Rodez Council.

Their project was selected from 98 applicants and put the museum on the north side of the fully-renovated Foirail Park. They understood the importance of the site as a bridge between Rodez old town and the new districts.

“The museum rises up from the park, it restructures, gives order, reveals and clarifies” (RCR Arquitectes).

The conception of the monument

In keeping with the setting, the building is made up of a row of parallel oblongs. The openings bring to mind the traditional Aveyron “fenestras” which provide views of the horizon and are made for contemplation. The south side of the Soulages Museum looks onto the garden and is no bigger than 3m whilst the boxes to the north hang over a path.

“The Corten steel whose patina bears the mark of time fits perfectly into the plant environment of the park. It is not an inert and sanitised material. Its chromaticism is reminiscent of the pink sandstone of Rodez.“

RCR Arquitectes


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