Parapentes au-dessus du Viaduc de Millau|
ExploreMillau, Roquefort and Sylvanès.
Rodez-Millau distance: 67km, 1 hr drive.
Rodez-Roquefort sur Soulzon distance: 92km, 1 hr 20 drive.
Rodez-Sylvanès distance: 118km, 1 hr 50 drive.
Grand Site Midi-Pyrénées Viaduc de Millau... Carnet de voyage en aquarelles

Gantier à Millau|
Millau has made a name for itself on the edge of the Gorges du Tarn and the Templar and Hospitaller Larzac… an image, bringing glovemaking traditions together with the technical feat of the world’s tallest viaduct.
Farmers markets, concerts, adventure and the good life are a daily feature along with a legend: a blue cheese that made the village of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon world famous.
Millau - Roquefort : une vraie nature (Grand Site Occitanie)

Caves de Roquefort|

Vue du village de Roquefort sur Soulzon|

Vue intérieure de l'église de Sylvanès|
Did you know?
Music lovers flock to the annual summer holy music festival at the Cistercian Sylvanès Abbey. The culture centre in the heart of a leafy valley is a heritage site in itself.

Vue de l'abbaye de Sylvanès|
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Occitania Grand Sites.
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