Personne au centre de la Salle de préparation aux vitraux de Conques avec des cartons aux murs et des photos du rendu final selon la luminositéSalle de préparation aux vitraux de Conques au musée Soulages de Rodez
©Salle de préparation aux vitraux de Conques au musée Soulages de Rodez|P.THEBAULT - CRT Occitanie
ExperiencePierre Soulages' art.

Soak up the Soulages light

The Soulages Museum is home to Pierre and Colette Soulages’ donation that was given to the Greater Rodez Council in 2005. It is one of the biggest ever given by an artist in their lifetime with almost 500 pieces and documents. The museum’s inauguration on May 30th 2014 was attended by the French President François Hollande.

Getting there
Visit the museum and

Its unique collection.

The artworks encapsulate the myriad techniques and “canvases” that the artist uses: paper, canvas, glass, bronze or brass, printed work (etchings, lithographs, screen prints) preparation work for the Conques stained-glass windows, paintings on canvas and paper (a unique collection including gouaches, inks and  walnut stains), documents, books, photographs, films, letters and more.



The current exhibition.

500m2 devoted to temporary exhibitions. Pierre Soulages wanted this gallery to be devoted to other modern and contemporary artists and movements fuelled by invention and experimenting with techniques. The Soulages Museum hosts two major temporary exhibitions a year.


Soulages museum group activity

All year round and especially during school breaks, the Soulages’ museum team offers group activities that are open to everyone. Whether it is for children or adults, everybody should leave satisfied !


Art at Café Bras.

A break in the museum

The Soulages Museum plays host to Café Bras. The café is named after its Michelin-starred chefs and owners, the Bras. The concept is true to the “Soulages” spirit. After a tour of the museum, have a welcome break to refuel!

I discover


Useful information.

2023 opening times

January 2nd-June 30th and September 1st-December 31st:

  • Tuesday to Friday 10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
  • Saturday and Sunday 10am-6pm.

July 1st-August 31st:

  • Monday-Sunday: 10am-6pm.

Closed January 1st, May 1st, November 1st and December 25th.

3 Museum Pass: Soulages + Fenaille + Denys-Puech

  • Regular admission 11 €
  • Discounted admission 7 €
  • Membership: 20 € unlimited admission to the museums for 1 year.

Free admission for:

  •  under 18s
  • students
  •  jobseekers
  • French welfare claimants (proof of RSA dated within 3 months)
  • state pensioners
  • group leaders
  • press card holders
  • Aveyron Ambassador card holders
  • ICOM and ICOMOS card holders
  • French museum staff
  • Ministry of Culture staff with a culture card
  • La Maison des Artistes members
  • Rodez Museum donors


Foirail Park

Avenue Victor Hugo

12000 Rodez (France)


(00 33) (0)5 65 73 82 60

GPS coordinates

44°21’10.1″N 2°34’03.5″E

Museum website

Museum safety measures

Following the terror attacks in Paris on November 13th 2015, the Rodez museums adhere to government advice. Large bags and suitcases are not allowed inside the buildings. Lockers/luggage areas are closed to the general public.

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