Tourist tax

Vue de la ville de Rodez et sa cathédrale depuis le golf, ses arbres et son terrain vallonnéVue de Rodez depuis le golf
©Vue de Rodez depuis le golf|P.THEBAULT - CRT Occitanie

Introduced in Rodez Agglomération since 2006 and collected by hosts, the tourist tax is designed to improve tourist reception in the area.

Collected from 1 January 1 to 31 December, per person and per night, it will be requested by your host at the end of the stay.

The rates of the tourist tax are fixed by deliberation of the City Council of Rodez. They are divided into ten accommodation categories, determined according to their nature and classification:


 Accommodation category Price (coefficient / person / night) 
Luxury hotels.€2.00 
5-star tourist hotels, 5-star tourist residences, 5-star tourist self-catering accommodation.€1.30 
4-star tourist hotels, 4-star tourist residences, 4-star tourist self-catering accommodation.


3-star tourist hotels, 3-star tourist residences, 3-star tourist self-catering accommodation.€0.90 
2-star tourist hotels, 5-star tourist residences, 5-star tourist self-catering accommodation, 4- and 5-star holiday villages.€0.70 
1-star tourist hotels, 1-star tourist residences, 1-star tourist self-catering accommodation, 1-, 2- and 3-star holiday villages.€0.55 
Bed and Breakfasts.€0.55 
Collective hostels (Youth hostel – Group gite – Workers’ hostel).€0.55 

Campsites and caravan parks classified as 3, 4 and 5 stars and all other outdoor accommodation sites with equivalent characteristics, pitches in camper van parks and tourist parking lots.

Campsites and caravan parks classified as 1 and 2 stars, and all other outdoor accommodation sites with equivalent characteristics.€0.20 
Accommodation pending or without classification, and not falling within the types of accommodation listed above.


4% of the overnight cost excl



Reminder: The rate adopted applies per person and per night, within the limit of the highest rate adopted by the local authority (2 euros in Rodez Agglomération) or if it is lower than the latter, within the limit of the ceiling rate applicable to 4-star hotels (2.30 euros).


All hosts who offer a property for tourist rental whether professional or private, must collect the tourist tax from their client and pay it to Rodez Agglomération .


The tourist tax is collected all year from 1 January to 31 December, from all persons over the age of 18. Exonerated persons are:

  • Under 18s
  • People with a seasonal employment contract employed within the municipality,
  • People benefiting from emergency accommodation or temporary relocation,

For the hosts.

Just one


ONE SINGLE Contact person. For any information, contact the Tourist tax department :

Marion MAURY 


Phone +33.(0)

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