Maquette historique de Rodez sous verre, exposée au musée Fenaille, devant des vitrines aux objets archéologiquesMaquette de Rodez au musée Fenaille
©Maquette de Rodez au musée Fenaille|Office de tourisme Rodez Agglomération
Walk around In Fenaille Museum.

Meet a great dame at the Fenaille Museum

Fenaille museum welcomes a great collection of statues-menhirs. This place you make discover the history of Rouergue, at Rodez

Getting there
Les escapades de Marie en Aveyron - Le musée Fenaille à Rodez
Les escapades de Marie en Aveyron - Le musée Fenaille à Rodez
Les escapades de Marie en Aveyron - Le musée Fenaille à Rodez

1000 generous donors funded the Fenaille Museum’s construction. One of them was Maurice Fenaille, an oil industry pioneer and Rodin’s patron, who donated Hôtel de Jouéry which still houses the museum’s collection and gives it a unique atmosphere.


The Rodez city centre museum is world-famous because of its incredible collection of statue-menhirs. It’s deemed one of the best archaeological museums in France and houses a unique collection of 17 original pieces sculpted almost 5000 years ago. They are the oldest depictions of life-size man in Western Europe. The most famous, the “Lady of Saint-Sernin”, has been exhibited at the biggest European capitals.


These incredibly enigmatic pieces have a very contemporary feel. Pierre Soulages admits to a fascination with these prehistoric sculptures :

“It may be because of how I felt when I saw these pieces that I was led to look elsewhere and maybe even keep an eye out for these original moments whilst painting.” (Pierre Soulages)

Useful information

    January 1st-June 30th and September 1st-December 31st:

    • Tuesday to Friday 10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
    • Saturday & Sunday: 10am-6pm.


    July 1st-August 31st:

    • daily 10am-6pm


    Closed January 1st, May 1st, November 1st and December 25th.

    3-museum pass: Soulages + Fenaille + Denys-Puech

    Standard price: €12
    Reduced rate: €8
    Subscription: €25 unlimited access to the museums for 1 year.

    Free admission for:

    Under 18s
    Unemployed people
    RSA recipients (proof of less than 3 months)
    Recipients of the minimum state pension
    group guides
    press card holders
    ICOM and ICOMOS card holders
    musées de France personnel
    Employees of the Ministry of Culture holding the Culture Card
    artists who are members of La Maison des Artistes
    donors to Rodez Agglomeration museums

    Fenaille Museum

    14 place E-Raynaldy

    12000 Rodez

    Tél : +33 5 65 73 84 30

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