Au bord d'un chemin pavé, abbaye Cistercienne au cœur du village typique de ConquesAbbaye Cistercienne du village de Conques
©Abbaye Cistercienne du village de Conques|D.VIET - CRT Occitanie
Marvel atthe Occitania Grands SitesSouth of France

From Rodez to the Occitania South of France Grands Sites

The Occitania/South of France Grands Sites collection includes 40 amazing regional tourist sites in 2021.

Un homme avec une petite fille sur ses épaules face à la vue sur la forteresse de Najac et la nature environnanteNajac en famille
©Najac en famille|P.THEBAULT - CRT Occitanie

Cathar castles, spectacular natural cirques, ancient monuments and natural landmarks all with the same goal: to promote heritage, cultural, natural and historical sites in the region and boost their tourism appeal.

The Occitania/South of France Grands Sites

It all began with the Midi-Pyrénées Grands Sites and now the concept has been rolled out to the entire Occitania region. The main objectives are to:

  • safeguard and create jobs by boosting business in the area,
  • make the Occitania destination more famous and appealing,
  • fuel protection, promotion, cultural and historical mediation in the iconic hearts of the Occitania/South of France Grands Sites,
  • innovate with new artistic, digital and playful ways to explore heritage,
  • create a quality service and safeguard the population’s quality of life.
Map of

Occitania Grands Sites.

The nearest

Occitania Grands Sites

South of France

It’s important for an Occitania/South of France Grand Site to encourage visitors to explore the region and visit other Grands Sites. That’s why we’ve chosen some of the nearest Occitania/South of France Grand Sites.

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