Christmas in Rodez

Entertainment, gift ideas, family events… In this very special year, here are a few ideas to celebrate and share the magic of Christmas in Rodez!

Christmas Shopping.

in the historic center of Rodez

Looking for inspiration to find the ideal gift? What better than a day’s shopping in the streets of Rodez to fill your Christmas stockings!
The city centre shops are full of ideas for young and old alike: clothes, jewellery, decorative objects, gourmet products.
Are you looking for a gift 100% made in Aveyron? Don’t hesitate to push open the door of one of our art and crafts designer shops.

And why not treat yourself to a souvenir of Rodez? A range of exclusive “Cathedral” products awaits you at the tourist office (and only there!). Discover our latest new product: the modern, designer stainless steel bottle.

Festive Rodez.

As Christmas approaches, Rodez comes alive with light and music. Enjoy a festive stroll through the streets of the historic city centre…

You may come across one of the musical parades that criss-cross the city in a warm, Christmassy atmosphere.


Don’t leave Rodez before nightfall! The city is illuminated, its streets and alleys shine with a thousand lights.

Unmissable, a fir forest decorates the Place d’Armes, in front if the cathedral: a particularly popular place to take a selfie!

But the highlight of the show remains the Place de la Cité. Every evening, from 5.30 p.m. to 8 p.m., the buildings of the square come alive to the sound of music. Look up, even the bell tower of the cathedral has some surprises in store for you!

Illuminations Place de la Cité à Rodez
Illuminations Place de la Cité à Rodez
Illuminations Place de la Cité à Rodez

Waiting for Santa Claus!

Are the kids getting impatient? Here are some great family ideas leading up to the big day.

Stop off at the Christmas village, place Eugène-Raynaldy. In this enchanting setting, children will travel to the land of Santa Claus.


Also head for the rue du Bal. The “Bal O Palais” has imagined a vast array of events: creative workshops with the Happy Lama Workshops, balloon sculptures by Alexambulle, treasure hunt or even meetings with Santa Claus in person!


But Christmas is fast approaching… Haven’t you sent your wish list yet? Quick, run to the Place Sainte-Catherine: children can post their Christmas list in Santa’s mailbox. Take note! The mail is collected on 24 December!

Enjoy a meal prepared by a gourmet chef.

To help you prepare your New Year’s Eve meals, the chefs of Rodez Agglomération have agreed to share their secrets with you. Find them in the “Les astuces du Chef” videos shot by the tourist office. In a few minutes, you will learn simple and effective techniques that will dazzle your guests! So, whether you’re a real cordon-bleu or a complete rookie, have a go! You’ll be delighted by the results!

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