Conques - Carnet de Voyage
Rodez-Conques distance: 38.5km, 45 min drive.
A Romanesque abbey
An extraordinary gift of light floods into the Romanesque Sainte-Foy Abbey Church through 104 contemporary stained-glass windows by Pierre Soulages. A gift of intimacy that radiates over the austere interior. Man and matter.
Conques is also apart of the most beautiful towns in France.
Key stage on the Way of Saint James
Conques has been a key stage on the Way of Saint James since the Middle Ages and famous for being a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Conques : le voyage hors du temps (Grand Site Occitanie)
Did you know?
The Conques treasure is the richest in France and among the 5 greatest European treasures in medieval goldsmithery.