10 Other good reasons to come to Rodez

Why visit Rodez? For its cultural and heritage assets, but there are lots of other treasures you can’t afford to miss!

There are plenty of reasons to come to Rodez Agglomération. First and foremost, the Soulages museum but also the Fenaille and Denys-Puech museums. The cathedral and its steeple as well as the city’s historiccentre are also unmissable places that everyone wants to admire when they come to Rodez. But we want to show you that Rodez has even more to offer!

Here we give you ten other good reasons to stay a few days in Rodez and its district:

  1. Breathe
  2. Move
  3. Have fun with the family
  4. Eat great food
  5. Find fantastic local products
  6. Enjoy extraordinary experiences
  7. Go out
  8. Bond
  9. We will guide you
  10. We are in the heart of Aveyron

1. Breathe.

4. Eat great food.

You can forget your diet in Aveyron, the home of good food! Give into the temptation of the local delicacies that you will find in abundance in Rodez! Treat yourself to sweet or savoury deliciousness in the city’s restaurants, at the market or grocery stores. We bet that you will take some of gourmet Aveyron home with you!

5. A choice of fantastic local products.

6. Enjoy extraordinary experiences.

The Rodez tourist office team has tried and tested several activities that are quite unique to the city. Follow us!

8. Bond.

The people of Rodez love and support the traders who bring life to the city centre. Just for you, we have curated a selection of traders!

9. We will guide you.

The Rodez Tourisme team does its utmost to make your holidays wonderful. For that, and because we always have new ideas to discover our city, we have chosen to reorganise our guided tours into small groups of no more than ten people. Are you ready? Go!

10. We are in the heart of Aveyron.

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